Friday, April 23, 2010

I Need a Break!

I’ve been pulling again long long hours at work that I barely find the time to write or have any more fun. At least, outside work. Not that I’m really complaining. I also love being in the hospital. There’s some kind of rush at certain peak hours that I really take pleasure in.

I really can’t whine anyway because Erik has been such a great company. During down times, we talk endlessly about anything under the sun. We talk about the patients. We talk about how we’re so tired of the food choices in the area that’s within walking distance. We never run of things to talk about.

We actually were talking about personal travel plans. It’s been a while since Rafael and I took a trip anywhere. Our schedules don’t really match these days. I know he has more leniency to adjust his schedule but he doesn’t seem to take the initiative to do so. I digress.

Anyway, I have never been to Pagsanjan Falls and I’m thinking of going there for a day trip.

Erik hasn’t been there either.

The Doc is Out!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Banana Fritters Ala Mode

I was at Serendra the other night with my school friends and we ate at Polu Kai.

The dishes were average to me but I really liked the dessert we ordered!

The banana slices were coated with sweet syrup and it was served warm, which is the reason why the vanilla ice cream on top easily melted.

I didn’t mind because I totally loved the yin yang of cold and warm on my tongue.

Besides, I need the sugar intake. Still pulling long hours at the hospital.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Love in the Time of Cholera

A 65-year old man, who I named Mr. C, got admitted last week. The last few days, Mr. C was under Erik’s watchful care. Last night, Mr. C was in terrible shape and he suffered exhaustive diarrhea.

I saw how Erik was so hands-on with the patients whatever the situation was. He already ended his shift and already timed-out when Mr. C pooped all over his bed and his room. The incoming nurse should actually be on top of Mr. C’s affairs but she was too sick of the whole thing to move a muscle. She just kept standing there frozen like staring at it will eventually vanish the mess.

Erik heard about it and changed back into his blue uniform. He really didn’t have to because it wasn’t his responsibility anymore but he cleaned it anyway. Mr. C left a long trail of brown and green goo from his hospital gown to his washroom. Erik took the initiative to give Mr. C a bath and clean his bed. I called the janitor to clean the rest on the floor.

It was really heartening to see Erik do all that. He went on another half-shift to monitor Mr. C’s condition.

During my break, I went out and bought him warm croissants from a bakeshop nearby.

I really see the love Erik has for his work and his patients.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear John

The Dear John movie stars Channing Tatum as John Tyree, a young soldier of the Army Special Forces who falls in love with a young woman Lynn Curtis, played by Amanda Seyfriend, the girl from Mama Mia. It’s a 2010 American romantic drama that happens at a time of war.

The movie really brought buckets of tears to my eyes. John Tyree’s love for Lynn was exceptional and Lynn’s love for the special child of her husband was so admirable.

If you’re really meant for each other, Love will find a way. Distance and time are of no essence.

Gosh, Channing was even hotter in this movie than in Step Up!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting Stroked After Work

I’ve been pulling long hours at the hospital. My back really hurts most of the time after my shift ends. It’s such a bummer.

I love my days at the hospital because I got great company. But a lot of times, I wonder if all the stress and hard work and worry are all worth it… I guess it is when I get my license.

There are a lot of massage places in Manila but a few good ones really. Neo Spa is really one of those to go to for consistent spa massage. I also like Thai massages but it’s quite hard to find one that has really good facilities.

I’ve heard of massage centers that offer “extra” services. It’s usually those who have trained male masseuses. I’ve never been touched by a male therapist. I wonder how that feels. I mean, without the “extra” service of course.

Massage is the simplest form of therapy that I can look forward to and it is basically all about stroking, kneading and pressing on certain areas of you body in order to relax and relieve any stress or pain that might have built up in your body.

This fairly new Quan Spa at the Marriot Hotel is making waves in the spa scene. I wonder if the masseuses there really have the hands that can make me sleep like a baby.


Monday, April 5, 2010


Circumcision has always been such a big thing to a lot of men –and women. It’s such a taboo among men’s macho-istic ego to be an adult and still have the foreskin. Movies often portray most women being supposedly turned off with an uncircumcised “penis.” Men with the foreskin are usually men with smaller “private.” This is not true.

A half-Swedish half-Filipino guy was in the hospital a few weeks back and he was uncut. Let’s just say, it was such a BIG deal in the hospital.




Sizzling hot.
