Monday, April 12, 2010

Love in the Time of Cholera

A 65-year old man, who I named Mr. C, got admitted last week. The last few days, Mr. C was under Erik’s watchful care. Last night, Mr. C was in terrible shape and he suffered exhaustive diarrhea.

I saw how Erik was so hands-on with the patients whatever the situation was. He already ended his shift and already timed-out when Mr. C pooped all over his bed and his room. The incoming nurse should actually be on top of Mr. C’s affairs but she was too sick of the whole thing to move a muscle. She just kept standing there frozen like staring at it will eventually vanish the mess.

Erik heard about it and changed back into his blue uniform. He really didn’t have to because it wasn’t his responsibility anymore but he cleaned it anyway. Mr. C left a long trail of brown and green goo from his hospital gown to his washroom. Erik took the initiative to give Mr. C a bath and clean his bed. I called the janitor to clean the rest on the floor.

It was really heartening to see Erik do all that. He went on another half-shift to monitor Mr. C’s condition.

During my break, I went out and bought him warm croissants from a bakeshop nearby.

I really see the love Erik has for his work and his patients.


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